The Official Website of the Chicago Police Independent Monitoring Team

Independent Monitor Conducts Community Survey

The Independent Monitor Margaret Hickey and the Independent Monitoring Team submitted a Community Survey Report under ¶¶645–51 of the Consent Decree on August 26, 2020. The report presents results from a community survey that asked about how Chicago residents (Chicagoans) feel about and interact with the Chicago Police Department (CPD). The survey was conducted between November 2019 and February 2020 by researchers from the University of Illinois at Chicago and the University of Chicago. The report can be viewed here. The corresponding press release can be viewed here.

Open Community Survey Data

This release includes the 2020 community survey data for the general population sample and the supplemental sample of young Black men. The datasets include all of the variables presented in the Community Survey report as well as data dictionaries to help the user navigate the data.

Note about protecting respondent privacy

The IMT’s goal is to maximize the usefulness of these datasets while also minimizing the ability for users of the dataset to identify survey respondents. To protect the privacy of respondents, the dataset does not include any information that would directly identify a survey respondent (e.g., name or address). Some values have been removed to further protect respondent identity and these modifications are documented in the data dictionaries.


Source link:

Publication date: 7/14/21

Last update: 6/12/21

Title: 2020 IMT Community Survey Data

Description: Includes the 2020 community survey data for the General Population (Chicagoans ages 18+) sample and the Young (ages 18-25), Black, Male sample.  

Data owner: Independent Monitoring Team, Consent Decree for the Chicago Police

Data steward: Matt Sweeney,

Geographic unit: City of Chicago

Data dictionary: Included in the dataset