Commissioner (Ret.) Paul Evans, JD, is the Associate Monitor for Use of Force. Commissioner Evans is an expert on police use of force. He served as Commissioner of the Boston, Massachusetts, Police Department from 1993 to 2003. He then served four years as the Director of the Police Standards Unit of Britain’s Home Office, assessing and improving the performance of British police forces. Commissioner Evans is a U.S. Marine Corps veteran and has served on the Board of the Police Executive Research Forum (PERF).
During Commissioner Evans’s more than 30-year career with the Boston Police Department, he held every civil service rank and command staff position from patrol officer to Commissioner. He addressed difficult policy issues concerning use of deadly force and protection of civil liberties, created innovative strategies that dramatically reduced crime, and engaged communities to reduce tensions and build community collaborations. Commissioner Evans consults with law enforcement agencies across the country on police operations and strategy. As Associate Monitor for Use of Force, Commissioner Evans will work closely with the Community Engagement Team.